Cultivate Austin


Tend, feed and nourish yourself and your garden.

Gardening is a great way to connect with the Earth, de-stress, and grow some food for your family, but sometimes knowing where to start can be overwhelming. Most effective with an open mind, garden coaching works well for those who are just starting out, new to the area or know their way around but have encountered a problem with an illusive solution. Whether you need an introduction to the basics or just a little more guidance garden coaching could be for you!

Cultivate Austin’s Lead Gardener, Samantha has a deep affinity for cultivating beautiful, fruitful gardens. She has a wealth of knowledge from her extensive experience homesteading, a South Florida Master Gardeners certification and from helping others on their gardening adventure. So if you have a growing interest in gardening, have hit a wall, or generally feel overwhelmed or underwhelmed with your current garden situation, we are here for you!

Through Cultivate Austin’s garden coaching program you will maximize your space and bring the life back into your soil. You’ll discover microbiology, mycelium and grow to appreciate the weird and interconnected nature of the world. You’ll learn to think like a plant and expand your understanding of decomposition and fertilizers. You’ll become less squeamish, get intimate dirt and fall in love with worms. You’ll meet many bugs, figure out who is friend and who is foe and become your own guide through an ever familiar backyard wilderness. And in our members only section you will have complete access to our seasonal planting schedule, weekly group calls and so much more!

You don’t need to be a master gardener to start a successful garden that brings you pride and security. Our garden coaching program gives you the tips, tricks, and confidence needed to create your very own food-producing sanctuary.

Cultivate Austin’s garden services include:

Cultivate Austin Garden Services | Onsite consultancy call out appointments

1. Onsite consultancy call out appointments

Best for those who just need a one time on-site consultancy visit for specific issues pertaining to your space and or project.

Cultivate Austin Garden Services | Garden  design and installation

2. Garden design and installation

With your goals in mind, we will come out to survey land and access location and conditions. Our garden design considers soil conditions, water systems, plant layout, sunlight and cardinal direction, animal intrusion and the level of experience of the client maintaining the garden.

Cultivate Austin Garden Services | Seasonal one on one personal coaching

3. Seasonal one on one personal coaching

Onsite, in-person weekly gardening sessions. This is a great way to dive deep into the garden, bust many gardening myths, learning some science and all the tools to maintain, plan and implement season after season.

Cultivate Austin Garden Services | Online Group Membership

4. online Green Thumb Membership

Launching soon! Perfect for the DIY’ers or gardeners who have already had design and or one on one sessions but who what to continue their garden flow with lighter support. Sign- up for the membership waitlist to get first dibs.


Cultivate Austin Garden Services, planting medicinal gardens
Cultivate Austin Garden Services, building a garden
Cultivate Austin Garden Services | Farm Life
Cultivate Austin Garden Services, harvesting from your garden

“Gardening, working the soil, and growing plants is a service we do for the land and I want people to feel empowered by this relationship. The learning never stops even if you are a seasoned gardener, what was successful last year will not necessarily work this year, even with the same practices. It’s all about tuning in to the seasons, the Earth and being okay with and adapting to constantly changing circumstances. It keeps you on your toes, it’s often quite humbling, and always very rewarding.”

Samantha, Co-founder, Cultivate Austin

Green Thumb GaRDEn Membership is coming your way…

Cultivate Austin Garden Coaching, planting sprouts
Cultivate Austin Garden Coaching, planting seedlings

Membership Offers

1. Live group calls

2. Weekly garden tasks

3. Tips by season

4. Resource library

Join the Membership wait list!

Be the first to know when our Green Thumb Membership launches

About Your Garden Coach

Learn with Cultivate Austin’s Lead Gardener, Samantha who has over twenty years experience working with plants, holds a South Florida Master Gardener certification, a South Florida Bee Keepers Association certification and has attended classes in Soil Science at Austin Community Collage and 1st level Herbology from Wildflower School of Botanical Medicine.

She founded and ran Tinker Farmstead (an organic farm and educational facility that offered various tropical plants and fruits and vegetables and workshops in butchery, mycology, food preservation and seasonal crafts), was the Garden Teacher at Journey School in Dripping Springs, and most recently helped develop Hamilton Pool Vinyards and Farms farm to table operation and their Nature and Farm School as their head farmer.

In addition Samantha is experienced in horticulture, education and animal husbandry (specifically chickens, ducks, turkeys, rabbits, sheep and pigs).

Garden Design and Install Services

Cultivate Austin Garden Services | Garden Design and Consultations
Cultivate Austin Garden Services | Garden Design and Coaching
Cultivate Austin Garden Services | Growing a fruitful garden

When we moved from Austin to a 16 acre ranch in Wimberley with the plan of learning how to become self sufficient, we knew that we would be way over our heads and need some serious help! Cultivate Austin was just that. We went from not knowing anything at all and feeling totally overwhelmed to feeling like we just might be able to swing this after all! It’s evident how much knowledge, experience and passion Samantha has for growing food. Having homesteaded for years she was exactly who we needed to consult with and even though our focus was mainly growing veggies in the garden she was also really helpful with our fruit trees and chickens. She really helped make the ranch a home and empowered us in working with our land.

— Michelle Alderman